 The Art of Ballooning 

Hot Air Balloon Flight Record - 11Aug2007
Brian and Sue

Launch:  Hudson, MA - Hudson Elks   Duration:  1:00
Land:  Marlboro, MA   Distance:  3.71
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Map of the flight

This is a Google Earth version of the track and should open in your local Google Earth. For more information or to install Google Earth on your system, go to Google Earth.

This was the third annual Hudson Elks Balloon Rally.

The forecast early in the week wasn't very good, but we know not to believe anything that far away. By late Thursday it looked great with no rain and light winds. By Saturday Morning the wind forecast picked up a little, but not bad.

The pi-ball showed low level went East. It turned south and picked up some speed as you climbed. Most balloons chose to stay low. As it was, we turned a little south as the flight progressed. We passed over the Hudson School between Woodrow St and Forest Ave. Some balloons chose to land there. We continued out past the end of the resevoir to land on Dean Rd at Stow/Marlborough Rd.

We actually landed in the open field in Hudson then walked to Dean Rd in Marlborough! Just to confuse the chase crew.

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This page modified: August 14 2023 16:52:50.